
This retreat is offered
for the first time by Mita to all seekers and spiritual self-explorers, including Buddhists from all
traditions who want to integrate and step up the lifelong practice of mindful awareness to create a life of inner
peace, purpose, fulfillment and joyful servicef or the immeasurable benefit of all sentient beings. We are all born with the
primordial potential to be a refuge and light unto ourselves. Our primordial impulse is to know ourselves and realize
our sacred connection with the universe experientially.
need solitude and free time away from the constant demands
of family and work to discover their creative self, renew their spiritual connection and find their unique 'voice'
~There came a time when the risk to
remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.~ Anais NinCome join
us to celebrate your life, step out of fear and anxiety, restore, renew, heal, discover you gifts, share ideas, dreams, get
inspired & into flow...
Bring a Friend Receive 10% off. Forward this to anyone who may benefit! Thank you!
Be The Refuge To YourSelf - Buddha |
Retreat Schedule for print
A Retreat for Evolutionary
Fearless Women Ready To Take the Leap
New Date June
5-7 Celebrate @ Beautiful Furnace Mountain
Friday 7 PM - Sun 5 Pm. Tuition $199, $175 before May 15
two nights lodging and three meals (cooked by us)! Small Group. Please Reserve your Space (7 left)
with joy, open mind and open heart, ready to be empowered and inspired to live a conscious second life of passion,
purpose & joyful service
This is a weekend of Experiential and Deep Reflections Workshop, designed for Women
and Men on a conscious personal growth and/or engaged spiritual path. It is also an Introduction
to the Primordial Path of waking up to our own Inner Knowing, Inspiration, Intuition and Intelligence
to find and live our authentic calling and purpose in the world. The goal is to expand consciousness beyond the known, heighten
awareness of one own body-mind-spirit, break-free of unhealthy social and gender conditionings, discover one's unique
role in the vast multi-dimensional tapestry of life and relax resistances to becoming the spontaneous, playful, curious, creative
beings we all are meant to be!!!
Centering and Basic Meditation/mindfulness Self Introduction: Personal journey,
where we are now (Empathic listening) Introducing The Primordial Path of Self-Enlightenment (ancient
and original to Buddhism Unfolding our natural energetic blueprint/ beliefs that block it Walking this path of Inner knowing, Intuition and primordial Inquiry - Buddha’s Noble 8 fold path, grounding the first
three steps to Knowledge
Mandala of Life Art Transforming Self Healing Society - Exercise: Contemplative Inquiry
- Developing Authentic Self (beyond ego & egolessness)
& Touching The Sacred Appreciative Inquiry/ Personal Reflection Energetic exercises to clear vibration Co-creating a learning & engaged community
of practice
will be a Contemplative, Co-Creative and Personally Meaningful Workshop, which is meant to be a gathering of women from
any belief and background, interested in self-transformation, Universal Knowledge, Self-inquiry, Conscious Evolution, and
Self-inspired humanitarian work in the world. Each session will be followed by open reflections and questions. Get inspired
and envision a life full of wonder, imagination, passion, energy, knowledge, wisdom, unbounded creativity and joy! Look forward
to our sacred gathering of spiritual sisters!
We will learn how to stay with our experience, no
matter how difficult, confusing or painful it gets, stay in the mystery and uncertainity with ease, flow, grit and grace and
live a luminous cretive second life from the core of our being. Enlightenment is fun, once we learn to tap into
our feminine intuition, wisdom and skill through practice of mindful awareness.
Couples on a conscious
relationship path are welcome. Ask for couples discount (we can accept only two couples).
Holistic Services
Go confidently
in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the law of the universe will be
simpler - H.D. Thoreau
A preview of this workshop was presented two
years ago
Begin Year 2007 with
this Powerful Contemplative Learning Workshop (2 day)
Based on Universal Perspective! This is a Free Introduction to the 2 day Contemplative Transformational
Workshop at Lexington Convention Center , Sat. Oct 28, 3PM Please Sign up for future Free Introductions below.
Greetings sister. It is with great pleasure that I advise you on behalf of the Steering Circle of the
Gather the Women Oz Congress that you have been short listed to present at the Congress! "Dreaming
out of the Cocoon, Becoming a Butterfly: Answering the Call in the Now Moment." The Steering Circle is pleased with the response from women all over the world
who have expressed the desire to come to Australia and share their gifts and talents. Your Australian sisters are waiting
to welcome you with love and appreciation. In sacred sisterhood, Radiant
Heart Anique Duc Herwill Creations 21 Mungay Creek
Rd WILLAWARRIN 2440 AUSTRALIA (email in 2/8/07) Gather The Women 6th Congress, Australia Dreaming
What touched me most about this workshop and Mita is the openness and personal connection I felt. - Brenda S. Reiki
loved the "wholeness'' of the talk, the recognition of "ONENESS", and the Death and Rebirth that is "perfectly" timed. As
far as future topic suggestion... any subject that you feel and inspires you to speak about and that which comes thru you
is PERFECT! I love you. - V. Scott. Artist
for giving this talk. It has Confirmed what I just guessed - that residing in a State of joy, even when no action is
taken..matters beyond one's own self!" - Kaye W (Writer, food-coop
manager, www.motherworld.net)
"Thankyou! Your workshop helped me to connect ideas and open
myself to new ideas" - Susan B. (Calculus Teacher)
"You have done an incredible job with a vast amount of material. It was an honor!"
Debbie H (Director, Howe Charities for Human Enlightenment) "Though
I missed the first part for being late. I kind of got the main idea.You are a Splendid Speaker!" - Sumana S. (IT
"I found your workshop to be stimulating on a grand scale. I would be very interested in hearing
more of your material." - Kevin S. (New Media Designer)
of us thoroughly enjoyed your presentation! It brought home to me once more that there is so much to know and so little time
to grasp it all! Let us know about your next lecture. God willing, we will be there." - Dr. & Mrs. Alaka M.
(Physician and Library Assistant) "I enjoyed the class. Some things I knew. Several things/concepts were
new to me. And of course loved the boost/reminder to do the things daily practice. Thank you."- Patricia P.(RN, Lmp)
Susmita Barua, was born in Calcutta India in a minority Buddhist Family with deep Buddhist
roots. She is a spiritual explorer and pioneer with deep spiritual
insights and wisdoms particularly relevant to this time of accelerated change in the planet. This highly creative workshop
is based on her spontaneous self-awakening experience, her unique Buddhist upbringing in India, her current social engagement
path with Shambhala and her yet unpublished non-fiction book on "Transcending Duality, Touching Primordial Awareness",
funded by The Howe Charities of Human Enlightenment. She has received praise for her depth of knowledge,
empowering insights and her superb abilities to inspire and connect people with their soul essence and bring out the best
in people in a gentle and effortless manner. Seminar
on "Living Deliberately on Purpose, Knowledge and Joy" at JOSEPH BETH BookStore
Now you can register and pay online! You may prepay by check to: Susmita Barua, 2801 Adios Court, Lexington, KY 40511 Or Pay online via Secure Paypal Seating is limited, so please reserve your seat by email
or phone. Thank you.
(c) copyright seek2know.net
(c)copyright Seek2know.info 2/1/2001 Fair use notice