Four Foundations of Mindful Awareness
Four (4) Thursdays,
beginning October 8, 2009, 7:15‐8:15p.m.
Hosted By Metta Yoga Studio
Mindfulness is calm awareness of one's
body, feelings, content of consciousness, or
state of consciousness itself. This series will combine study and practice of meditation, self‐reflection,
contemplation and space awareness
to develop inner calm, clarity, and a radiant
mind. The practice of Four Foundations of
Mindfulness* leads to self‐knowledge, healing and personal transformation. Learning to observe
moment‐to‐moment mind/body process from a place of stillness and non‐judgment enables insight to arise. As
insight deepens, wisdom and compassion arise. By neither clinging nor resenting life's pain and pleasure, fear and joy, one begins to develop equanimity.
Modern clinical psychology and psychiatry
have developed therapeutic
mindfulness applications from these ancient Buddhist mindfulness techniques.
These classes are offered Dana** for the benefit of all Beings.
Contact Mita: 859‐420‐3922, or Jan: 859‐361‐8523, for information and to register
Hosted by Metta Yoga Studio, 145 Burt Road, Suite 9,
Lexington, Kentucky 40503