Begin where you are now...
"For whoever has not known himself knows nothing, but he who has known himself
has already understood the depth of all things."- Jesus in The Book of Thomas
The only place you can start anything is
by focusing where you are now; not where you have been in the past or where you want to be in near or some distant future!
If there is something personal in your past or present that is weighing you down, or you seem to cannot come to any meaningful
resolution, and you just do not know who or where to turn for guidance, then I am here to empower you to help yourself!
Silence is that state which transcends speech and thought; it is meditation without
mental activity. - Ramana M.
Journey to True Self (bodhi-chitta) is not for the faint-hearted. It takes the same courage, self-honesty and self-commitment as that of any persistent explorer,
mountaineer or astronaut! Mysteriously everyone
is participating in this journey, without knowing it! Life becomes very interesting and worthwhile, when one participates
in it with awareness! A happy life is a life of self chosen selfless commitments!
Also see the concept of self as
found in major world religions, current thinking in western
psychology and philosophy (psychosynthesis). The Buddhist idea of "anatta" or no-self means no limited, unchanging, permanent, exclusive or separate self.
'It gives me a deep comforting sense that
‘things seen are temporal and things unseen are eternal.’ - Helen Keller
Our normal sense of self, ego or self-identity is based on a false center. Journey to self is about discovering our true home, our authentic
Self that we began moving away from once upon a time! It is like returning to our true transcendental Self!
Home is wherever you are now and that is where you begin....and end our journey in time bound differentiated consciousness
(c) copyright Seek2know
Your reason and your passion are
the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul. Reason ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion unattended, is a flame
that burns to its own destruction! Since you are a breath in God's sphere, and a leaf in God's forest, you too should rest
in reason and move in passion. - Khalil Gibran
"Don't ask yourself what the world
needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people that have come
alive." - Harold Thurman Whitman
You are a trinity of body, mind, and psyche. Each has
its own way of fulfilling itself in its own domain, yet each is nested within the other. The natural way (Tao or Zen), or
the mystical way of wondering is the path of harmony, balance and least resistance. The path of knowledge and self-awareness
involves both the natural and mystical, but for obvious reasons it needs to be wholistic, evolutionary and pragmatic and not
tied to any particular system of beliefs! It is a way of deatached observation, reflection and contemplation of not only the
outer world, but more importantly our ever changing inner world of thought, emotion, dreams, body sensations and impulses.
Outer world is only symbolic of what's going on in our inner world of thought and emotion individually and en masse.
Ponder on the significance of events in your own
life; your childhood dreams, your inner conflicts, ethical-moral dilemmas, deepest life questions (why), and the living choices
you have right now! The purpose of your life evolves around your deepest yearnings and questions. You not only need to know
that you do have choices at all moments, but more importantly what to choose; the latter necessitates that you know your Self,
in order to spontaneously come to those choices that are right for You!
The highest level of self expression is made
possible when your mind penetrates the veil of all your false or acquired beliefs on everything - ideas through which you
have structured your world and your world experience. Your dreams and thoughts not only influence you, but the entire planet and they reach even beyond
those worlds that you know. So be aware of them!
Who can free my mind and soul from my own limited perception, attitude, judgement,
delusion and addiction except my own spiritual will (intent) and constant willingness (of my ego) to do so?
Everything I think, speak, and act makes a vibration, a statement this is who I am.
Dhammapada Discourses on Self
"Evil is done by oneself, by oneself is one defiled. Evil is left undone by oneself, by oneself is one cleansed. Purity & impurity are one's own doing.
No one purifies another. No other purifies one." - ver. 165
sacrifice your own welfare for that of another, no matter how great. Realizing your own true welfare, be intent on just that." -v. 166
Who am I not
(c)copyright Seek2know